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What is a CSA?
Community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs are an alternative approach to traditional food distribution systems. A CSA program is a unique way for local farmers to connect with consumers, allowing them to share the risks and benefits of farming. By community members participating in a CSA program, consumers have the opportunity to purchase a share of the farm's harvest in advance and directly receive a regular supply of fresh and locally-grown produce throughout the season. This arrangement benefits farmers and consumers while allowing consumers to better understand the food they eat and support sustainable agriculture practices. Farmers, in turn, benefit from a reliable market for their produce, financial stability, and a stronger connection to their local community.

Why Join a CSA?
Joining a CSA program offers many benefits beyond access to fresh and locally-grown produce. One significant benefit is the opportunity to support local farmers by providing financial stability with consistent income for their produce, helping them make long-term plans for their farms. In addition, this stability allows farmers to invest in practices prioritizing soil health, biodiversity, and environmental conservation, creating a more sustainable and resilient food system.
Moreover, joining a CSA program improves community members' understanding of where their food comes from and how it is grown and processed. Unlike the traditional food system, where food's origin and production methods can be opaque, CSA members are encouraged to learn about their farmers' practices, ask questions, and even participate in farm activities. This direct connection between farmers and consumers fosters trust and transparency, leading to a deeper appreciation of farmers' work growing sustainable produce.

Community-supported agriculture programs offer a unique opportunity for farmers and consumers to connect, support each other, and promote sustainable agriculture practices. Participate in shaping the food system, fostering connections with the land, and building relationships with your local farmers by joining your local CSA today.